Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year??

Well, I can't believe how long its been since I last posted. It is now 2012 and despite all our best intentions to be in the house....well, we are not :(

Why the delay? To be honest, its impossible to point to one factor. It seems to be a combination of things. A big issue is the people that we have helping us, whilst doing great work, seem to be "part time" in that they frequently go off to do other jobs. So it feels to me that we have no continuity. There may not be that much left to do, but we don't seem able to get a good run on it.

However, every day something small is achieved and, although it may be small, its still a step towards being in (so I keep telling myself).

Next week our WIRs and walk in pantry are going in so I will post some pics once that's done.

Happy new year everyone! I hope hope hope its a happy new year for us!!


  1. OMGOODNESS.........there you are L. DH & I wondered whether you'd possibly sold the place.....we haven't seen noticeable progress or activity on your block in ages!!!

    Oh I wish the ordeal could be over for you SOOOOOON!

    What can you do but just hang on..........???

    Try to stay focussed on the target; almost impossible to do!!!!!!

    1. Thanks Southies. Um, yes, things certainly were quiet for a while there. But i think we are almost at the tail end.

      Still keen for coffee one day!!


  2. Happy new year Loretta!!!

    It took MrB and I almost two year to get to a stage where we are able to live in our home (also owner builiders). Hang in there. You will be glad you did once it's all over.


    1. Hi B

      Glad to know that someone else experienced this hell as well and survived! What a nightmare. Never, ever again I say!
      Thank you for your kind words.


  3. Hello there, you have a nice kitchen and looks very similar to the one we are building in our house. I noticed that you were asking questions about handless drawers on another website. I have had many issues finding answers regarding push to open drawers. I've heard that you can do push to open but then you do lose the soft close. I've also been told that a company called Neff has a push open soft close drawer... but they won't tell me what kind of hardware they are using unless i buy a kitchen from them. There is a mechanism behind the drawer that dampens the close. Anyways, what did you end up going with for your kitchen?

  4. Hi Joel

    I was told the same thing re losing the soft close if we wanted push SO we ended up with soft close and handles. It was also a punish trying to get info. We are happy enough with them but i suspect that my toddler will just see the handles as a ladder! Oh well!! and thank you for your compliment. :)
