Monday, August 29, 2011


We are trying to decided between two lights to have over our kitchen bench. I think I am liking the first one more - it is made from rattan with an inner tube.

We borrowed the two lights we like to see how they look. There will obviously be two pendants over the bench.

Thoughts are welcome!!!!
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  1. L, both are fabulous.
    Must admit, I'm leaning toward the round one because it's different to what's the trend at the moment.
    ........And (*whispers*) I hate cleaning, so I'd avoid the cane lights - too hard to clean when dusty/greasy *rolls eyes* - lol !

    Just my opinion only.

    At the end of the day, pick the one you LOVE!

  2. Hello - I just found your blog through homeone forum! Thought I'd stick my two cents in :) Either would look gorgeous let's be honest although personally I prefer rattan lights. It depends more on what your furniture/style is like though because both will create a very different feel in your kitchen.

  3. Your kitchen is beautiful <3

    We too are owner builders. It sure has it's ups and downs...

